Episode 5: Discussing Health Care Reform on America's Healthcare Challenge

Friend and CEO of E.D. Bellis, Sean McGuire, invited Jesse on his radio show "America's Healthcare Challenge." They discuss the new American Health Care Act and what it means for lobbyists!

For more information on E.D. Bellis, visit http://healthreformexplained.com

Episode 4: Beauregard, TrumpCare, Wiretapping & Travel Ban 2.0

This episode we discuss the current state of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, the GOP's ACA replacement, Trump's crazy accusations regarding his predecessor and the administration's second attempt at a travel ban.

Episode 3: Blaming Obama, Oval Office Etiquette, a Joint Session & a Lying Sessions

It was a big night for Trump - he survived his first address to Congress! But before we discuss the Joint Session, we cover his recent interview on Fox & Friends and debate proper Oval Office etiquette. Before the end of the show, we reported breaking news: Jeff Sessions lied about not being in contact with Russian officials! Uh oh!

Episode 2: Tweets, Gaggles & CPAC

Trump just can't help himself - he has to tweet. Luckily we're here to respond. We also discuss Sean Spicer's controversial press gaggle, Trump's speech to CPAC & Betsy DeVos's thoughts on the National School Lunch Program.

Episode 1: Living in the Age of Trump

Welcome to the first episode of Grab Them By The Pod! Why start this podcast? Trump is president...need we say more?